
Impul­sTec is the result of many years of research activ­i­ties that took place in an R&D com­pa­ny with­in a larg­er pho­to­volta­ic group. Based on the non-con­tact and phase-selec­tive frag­men­ta­tion of var­i­ous sil­i­con qual­i­ties and their start­ing mate­ri­als, many areas of appli­ca­tion of the shock wave frag­men­ta­tion tech­nol­o­gy devel­oped. These no longer remained only in the field of pho­to­voltaics, but spread to a wide range of indus­tries. These include, for exam­ple, recy­cling, min­ing, met­al­lur­gy and mate­ri­als research. In 2014, these activ­i­ties were final­ly con­sol­i­dat­ed into an inde­pen­dent com­pa­ny exclu­sive­ly ded­i­cat­ed to indus­tri­al appli­ca­tion of the devel­oped of the shock wave frag­men­ta­tion technology.