Continuous shock wave system (industry)

Technical features

The con­tin­u­ous shock wave sys­tems are imple­ment­ed as stan­dard in a con­tain­er con­struc­tion. The con­tin­u­ous­ly oper­at­ing frag­men­ta­tion ves­sel is arranged inside the con­tain­er. This is equipped with a con­vey­or sys­tem for the mate­r­i­al feed and a con­vey­or sys­tem for the removal of the treat­ed mate­r­i­al. The con­tain­er is equipped with a spe­cial lin­ing for noise pro­tec­tion and for shield­ing against elec­tro­mag­net­ic inter­fer­ence (EMC protection).

Continuous shock wave system

Material input


The mate­r­i­al is fed in by means of a bunker con­vey­or, which con­tin­u­ous­ly feeds the mate­r­i­al to the frag­men­ta­tion ves­sel inside the con­tain­er. Appro­pri­ate dimen­sion­ing of the mate­r­i­al bunker means that the sys­tem can be oper­at­ed independently.

Continuous fragmentation vessel

The frag­men­ta­tion ves­sels of the con­tin­u­ous shock wave sys­tems are designed accord­ing to the spe­cif­ic mate­r­i­al and sep­a­ra­tion require­ments. The process can be indi­vid­u­al­ly adjust­ed by adapt­ing the frag­men­ta­tion cham­ber. The ves­sel is equipped with a mov­able mul­ti-elec­trode sys­tem. The num­ber of work­ing elec­trodes is deter­mined by the required productivity.

Fragmentation vessel

Material output

Material output

The frag­ment­ed or dis­as­sem­bled mate­r­i­al is usu­al­ly trans­port­ed out of the frag­men­ta­tion ves­sels by means of a water bath con­vey­or and thus rep­re­sents a sim­ple inter­face for link­ing with down­stream plant tech­nol­o­gy for sort­ing and dewatering.

Plant control with integrated process control and monitoring

An indus­tri­al con­trol (PLC) with touch screen inter­face enables the indi­vid­ual set­ting of the frag­men­ta­tion para­me­ters as well as the feed­ing and removal of the treat­ed mate­r­i­al depend­ing on the mate­r­i­al or sep­a­ra­tion require­ments and the sim­ple adjust­ment of the process para­me­ters. A mon­i­tored, mul­ti-lev­el secu­ri­ty sys­tem ensures per­son­al and sys­tem pro­tec­tion at all times. No spe­cial­ist qual­i­fi­ca­tions of the oper­at­ing per­son­nel are required. The oper­a­tor can inde­pen­dent­ly store data records with frag­men­ta­tion para­me­ters for spe­cif­ic mate­ri­als in the sys­tem control.

control panel

Range of services 

para­me­ters val­ue
Num­ber of high volt­age electrodes 
Ves­sel volume 
Work­ing voltage 
Pulse energy 
50–1000 J 
Pulse rate 
1–50 dis­charges per s 
Oper­at­ing mode 
Through­put (depend­ing on the material) 
50–500 kg/h, 100‑1000 t/a

Troughputs of the shock wave systems

para­me­ters val­ue
Mobile phones 
75–125 kg/h
Print­ed cir­cuit boards 
50–150 kg/h
Solar panels 
75–200 kg/h
Semi­con­duc­tor materials 
100–300 kg/h
Met­al slags 
200–400 kg/h

Material-specific special applications

Fur­ther­more, Impul­sTec has devel­oped and imple­ment­ed many mate­r­i­al-spe­cif­ic spe­cial appli­ca­tions in recent years, such as:
  • frag­men­ta­tion ves­sels for effi­cient sep­a­ra­tion of ceram­ic-met­al composites
  • con­tin­u­ous ves­sels for treat­ment of sil­i­con and bat­tery materials
  • con­tin­u­ous ves­sels for frag­men­ta­tion of high-puri­ty materials
  • appli­ca­tion for recy­cling of car­bon-fibre composites
  • con­tin­u­ous recy­cling process for solar modules
  • con­tin­u­ous recy­cling process for gal­va­nized plastics
  • frag­men­ta­tion ves­sel for con­tin­u­ous treat­ment of met­al slags and rocks