ImpulsTec gets Fin(n)ish – exchange in battery and recycling industry

On behalf of the Fed­er­al Min­istry for Eco­nom­ic Affairs and Ener­gy (BMWi), the Ger­man-Finnish Cham­ber of Com­merce (AHK Fin­land), in coop­er­a­tion with the Bun­desver­band Entsorgungs‑, Wass­er- Rohstof­fwirtschaft eV, orga­nizes a dig­i­tal busi­ness ini­ti­a­tion on the top­ic of dis­pos­al and recy­cling of indus­tri­al bat­ter­ies (includ­ing new mate­ri­als and inno­v­a­tive pro­duc­tion) in Finland.

The sem­i­nar offers excit­ing speech­es by Ger­man and Finnish experts and com­pa­nies from the bat­tery and recy­cling indus­try. Fin­land and Ger­many are unit­ed by their great know-how about the bat­tery and its entire val­ue chain. The project aims to merge these impor­tant future indus­tries and Impul­sTec, as a spe­cial­ist in the recy­cling process for bat­ter­ies, which enables the com­po­nents of a stor­age cell to be sep­a­rat­ed in a resource-sav­ing man­ner, is part of this bridge project.

We are proud that our shock wave frag­men­ta­tion is a potent solu­tion for recy­cling bat­ter­ies and that it can make a major con­tri­bu­tion to clos­ing the mate­r­i­al cycle in bat­tery life.  Attend the vir­tu­al expert conference!

You can take part in the webi­nar free of charge. Guests only have to reg­is­ter in advance.