The first of its kind — innovative recycling line delivered to Hansgrohe Group

The first of its kind — inno­v­a­tive recy­cling line deliv­ered to Hans­gro­he Group It is the first recy­cling line of its kind that process­es gal­vanised plas­tics pure­ly mechan­i­cal­ly and recov­ers a direct­ly reusable plas­tic gran­u­late! © Hans­gro­he SE REC.TEC Dur­ing the first quar­ter of the year, the san­i­tary tech­nol­o­gy man­u­fac­tur­er Hans­gro­he com­mis­sioned an Impul­sTec processing […]

ImpulsTec as a driving force — the CIRCULAR SAXONY innovation cluster

Impul­sTec as a dri­ving force — pre­sen­ta­tion at the CIRCULAR SAXONY inno­va­tion clus­ter On 19 Sep­tem­ber 2024, the annu­al event “With cir­cu­lar econ­o­my to the goal” of the Cir­cu­lar Sax­ony inno­va­tion clus­ter will take place in Leipzig. The inno­v­a­tive plant man­u­fac­tur­er Impul­sTec is sup­port­ing the event with a pre­sen­ta­tion on its selec­tive shock wave shredding […]


Exhibitor at the INNOVATIONSFORUM RECYCLINGREGION HARZ The inno­va­tion forum “recy­cling region Harz” is intend­ed to pro­vide a plat­form and a net­work for the region, which has always been char­ac­ter­ized by min­ing and the pro­cess­ing of min­er­al raw mate­ri­als result­ing in a high-per­­for­­mance recy­cling indus­try clus­ter. As an exhibitor, Impul­sTec is part of the net­work­ing event […]

Participation in the trade fair: “RECYCLING-TECHNIK 2024” in Dortmund

Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the trade fair: “RECYCLING-TECHNIK 2024” in Dort­mund Do not miss it — Impul­sTec will be there again! From Octo­ber 9 — 10, 2024, we will be exhibit­ing at RECYCLING-TECHNIK in Dort­mund — Trade fair for recy­cling tech­nolo­gies. The spe­cial­ists for recy­cling and process tech­nol­o­gy from all over Europe will come togeth­er. Vis­it us at […]

ImpulsTec at Recycling-Technik trade show in Dortmund, 2023

Trade show — Impul­sTec at Recy­cling-Tech­nik in Dort­mund On March 2023, 29 and 30 the lead­ing spe­cial­ists for recy­cling and process tech­nol­o­gy from all over Europe will come togeth­er. We are pleased to be a part of this event and invite you to vis­it us at our booth X10 in hall 7. We look for­ward to […]

ImpulsTec at International Electronics Recycling Congress 2023 in Salzburg

Using shock waves to break down elec­tron­ic waste — Impul­sTec at the Inter­na­tion­al Elec­tron­ics Recy­cling Con­gress From Jan­u­ary 18 to 20, 2023, the spe­cial­ists of the recy­cling indus­try (espe­cial­ly: elec­tron­ic waste) will meet in Salzburg, Aus­tria. ImpulsTec’s inno­v­a­tive solu­tion approach for the intel­li­gent dis­as­sem­bly of e‑waste by means of shock waves must not be missing! […]

Finally trade fair in Dortmund — technical challenges vis-à-vis

Final­ly trade fair in Dort­mund — tech­ni­cal chal­lenges vis-à-vis After a long time with­out direct, coro­­na-relat­ed con­tact, we were able to wel­come our sup­pli­ers and cus­tomers at the Recy­­cling-Tech­nik in Dort­mund in June this year. It was a suc­cess­ful fair and we could final­ly meet many of our part­ners, sup­pli­ers and cus­tomers and have valuable […]

Welt der Wunder TV® presents: The Shock wave technology of the ImpulsTec GmbH

Welt der Wun­der TV® presents: The Shock wave tech­nol­o­gy of the Impul­sTec GmbH On Decem­ber 22nd, 2021, at 8:15 pm, the TV sta­tion Welt der Wun­der will broad­cast a report on the shock wave tech­nol­o­gy of Impul­sTec GmbH in the for­mat “Green Life”. The report can already be seen online on YouTube or at We are eagerly […]

Finalist of the Saxon Innovation Prize 2021 — successful and inventive

Final­ist of the Sax­on Inno­va­tion Prize 2021 On July 14th, 2021 the most suc­cess­ful and inven­tive com­pa­nies and enti­ties in Sax­ony were award­ed. The entire event was streamed live and can be reviewed here. This year, more than 150 sub­mis­sions from 13 dif­fer­ent indus­tries were received for the Sax­ony State Awards for Start-ups, Trans­fer and Inno­va­tion. In […]

ImpulsTec nominated for the Saxon Innovation Award 2021

Impul­sTec nom­i­nat­ed for the Sax­on Inno­va­tion Award 2021 ImpulsTec’s shock waves not only selec­tive­ly sep­a­rate com­pos­ite mate­ri­als, they also strength­en Saxony’s inno­v­a­tive pow­er with their poten­tial in recy­cling tech­nol­o­gy. With its inno­va­tion, a con­tin­u­ous shock wave sys­tem for selec­tive mate­r­i­al recy­cling, Impul­sTec is one of the final­ists for the Sax­on Inno­va­tion Award 2021. On 14 July, […]